Surgical video cameras have a defined place in the modern surgical suite. They allow for greater ingenuity and manoeuvrability, and also promote the use of minimally-invasive procedures during patient treatment. For these reasons, and others discussed in this article, it is vital that your medical equipment includes a surgical camera.
Minimally Invasive Procedures
Laparoscopic surgeries, in which surgeries are performed internally through small incisions, require the use of laparoscopic surgical cameras with which the surgeon can see. Visibility during surgery is, unsurprisingly, absolutely paramount to the success of the operation. Fortunately, the use of these cameras allows surgeons the visibility of which they would otherwise be deprived, and provides patients with an option that results in less scarring and less possibility of infection or post-operative complications.
Post-Operative Analysis
In the event that it is needed, surgical cameras are also useful for recording operations and reviewing them. If there has been a post-op complication and the surgeon wishes to review the surgery step-by-step, then that is entirely possible with either a laparoscopic or headlight camera. These cameras are also incredibly beneficial for exploratory surgery, as the recorded footage allows for review after the operation is completed, and can be added to the patient file to allow collaborating surgeons to have a full understanding of the case.
The learning opportunities afforded to both new and experienced surgeons are therefore numerous when a surgical camera is utilised in the OR, and surgeons are able to better protect themselves should complications arise and they need to prove there was no malpractice in the operation.
Learning and Growing
Medical students benefit hugely from footage of experienced surgeons in the OR, and with the inclusion of cameras in your medical equipment this need not be a secondary concern. Simply record the footage from either your laparoscopic or surgical headlight camera and use it to take interns and medical students through the elements of basic procedures. While this is not a replacement for performing an actual operation, it allows students and interns the chance to see the surgery from someone experienced, and thus encourages them to practice well in the future.
Dental Work
Dental cameras are small, lightweight, and can be mounted onto loupes for extra convenience. Dental surgeons who require better visualisation into the mouth are able to use them during surgery in combination with the light, so that minimal equipment is being used with maximum effect. In the case of dentistry, it is also often very helpful for the patient to see what is happening either during or post-operation, as it increases the likelihood of them properly maintaining their dental health.
In all fields of medicine, especially those that include surgical intervention, it is important to provide surgeons and doctors with the ability to review procedures with their patients, while impeding their surgical manoeuvrability as little as possible. With the inclusion of surgical and dental video camera setups in your repertoire, you will find this to be easily accomplished.
Start capturing your surgeries with ease.
Contact the experts at Endovision today, and find out what cameras are available to optimise your OR. Our top priorities are patient care and surgical innovation, so you can be sure that when you buy from us, you but the best.